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Online population study on time perception in Parkinson disease and aged population

Parkinson’s disease is known to affect parts of the brain that are thought to be involved in perceiving the passage of time, but the nature and degree of any actual time perception problems that result is not well understood. The aim of this research is to determine whether time perception is altered in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and whether this can be accurately quantified. If so, measures of changes in time perception could be potentially used in future as a test that could help diagnose PD.

Altered time keeping function may also contribute to disrupted gait which can lead to problems such as increased fall risk and freezing of gait which happen in the later stages of PD. By having a better understanding of how PD affects time keeping functions we may also therefore gain insights into these problems and how they might be addressed. 

Who is eligible to participate in the study?

  • People with and without Parkinson disease
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Spouses and people over 50 are encouraged to take part

What is required of the participants?

This is a one-off experiment that will take around 20-30 minutes to complete. Participation is online and consent will be required.

The study involves presenting stimuli to the participants as images on screen or tones played through their computer’s loudspeaker and recording their key press response. Participants then complete a task that consists of two parts. Firstly, they are shown two images in sequence, one of which appears on screen for slightly longer than the other and asked to say which was there the longest. This is repeated multiple times. Then the same thing is done again, but instead of images, using two audio tones of slightly different duration played in sequence.

Click here to participate