About Our Programs
People living with and affected by Parkinson disease and Atypical Parkinsonisms are at the centre of all we do. We work to support and guide individuals and families throughout their Parkinson’s journeys and empower them to lead active and productive lives. We also work to inform and educate within the communities our clients live. We help build strong foundations.
We do this by offering a variety of program options via in-person and tele/online delivery so that regardless of where you live in the province YOU can access support and services customized to you…when and where you need it.
A reminder that advanced registration for programs and support groups is required and vital to ensure YOU as the client have the most up-to-date information about location changes or cancellations as they occur. Feedback from clients on an ongoing basis, health regulations and inclement weather are all determining factors in whether a group or activity will run in person or online. We want to thank all our clients, stakeholders, program partners and volunteers in advance for your patience and continued cooperation in ensuring we are able to continue to provide support and services in the safest, healthiest, and most accessible manner possible.
Support Programming
Our support programs include:
This valuable program provides you, your loved one(s) and other family members or friends a confidential and safe space to ask questions, talk about stresses and concerns, establish goals and actions plans, and learn more about community and government resources.
Whether it is a desire to learn more, to share experiences and/or to be a part of a community. Attending a support group can be a great way to learn about Parkinson’s, develop better coping skills, and feel less isolated as you make connections with others facing similar challenges.
This seven-session program aims to help care partners navigate their Parkinson’s journey, prevent burnout, connect with support and resources, provide connections with other care partners, and provide a safe and supportive space to share and discuss their struggles, emotions, and journey in a confidential environment.
The diagnosis of Parkinson disease or Parkinson’s Plus is often not in our future plans or our plans for our loved ones and can result in experiences of grief and loss. This program, intended for individuals with Parkinson’s and/or their care partners, is designed to help understand the grief and loss, while providing coping strategies through teaching, discussions, and real world application.
This program is for Care Partners with a loved who is in or transitioning into care. Caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s does not stop when they begin to require more personalized support and you are no longer the primary care giver; but it does begin to look and feel different. You will learn ways to implement yours and your partners personal wishes, be able to reflect on your feelings, experiences and develop skills that will help you navigate this next stage of the journey. You will learn ways to practice focusing on your own health and self-care, connect and learn from others in the group who are on their own path with Parkinson disease.
Educational Programming
Our Educational Programs include:
Receiving a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease can feel overwhelming and perplexing initially. We are here to bridge the gaps and provide you with essential information about Parkinson’s disease and strategies for managing it. From our Introduction to Parkinson’s Booklet, to Pulse Magazine to our toll-free line, our team is prepared to answer your questions or delve deeper with you to better understand Parkinson disease.
Hope Conference is our annual one-day conference that delivers insight, experience, and knowledge from insightful speakers from across the world and locally. Our goal with the conference is to leave you inspired with information and renewed of hope. The conference takes place virtually and in-person in November. View our Upcoming Events for the next Hope Conference
Streaming expert education directly to you in the comfort of your own home! This program connects you to healthcare
professionals, community partners and other experts as they deliver presentations on a variety of topics. View our Program Calendar for topics and dates
Our 101 Education Series offers sessions on a number of topics about- or related to life with- Parkinson disease and Atypical Parkinsonisms. These topics are the most commonly asked about and are presented in an introductory manner. Each 101 session includes a 45 minute presentation followed by a discussion period where you can ask questions. Find all Education 101 sessions in our Program Calendar
This interactive Q&A session is intended to address general questions about Parkinson disease and Parkinson’s Plus
symptoms, treatments, available medications, complementary/additional health care therapies. This program is not
intended to be diagnostic, prescriptive, or replace the relationship, advice, and/or care of your physician. View our Program Calendar for upcoming sessions
The Alberta Health Services’ Alberta Healthy Living Programs are being offered in partnership with Parkinson
Association of Alberta. Registration is done online through the Alberta Health Services portal or by calling 1-844-527-1160
Active Programming
Staying active can be as effective as medication for easing Parkinson’s symptoms. Engaging in activities goes beyond just physical exercise; it also includes social interactions, practicing speech, and stimulating your mind.
Our Active Programs include:
Engaging in social activities is an excellent way to connect with others, exchange ideas, share stories, set goals, and keep each other motivated! Our various social programs aim to deliver a variety of social activities to connect our Parkinson’s clients and their care partners. View the Program Calendar for a list of Social activities best fit for you
Don’t forget to exercise your brain! Just like our muscles, we need to engage our brains to keep them healthy. Our Thinking, Memory & Concentration program offers the opportunity to work on cognitive skills in a supportive virtual environment. The cognitive skills of interest will include concentration, attention, reasoning, creativity, and the various forms of memory. View the Program Calendar for a list of Cognitive programs best fit for you
Are you looking to enhance your speech and communication abilities? Parkinson’s can affect how loudly and quickly you communicate, so it’s essential to keep our vocal cords active. We provide singing and speech practice groups to assist you in this journey! View the Program Calendar for a list of Speech and Voice programs best fit for you
Besides medication and surgical options for Parkinson’s symptoms, research indicates that physical activity can help maintain and enhance mobility, flexibility, and balance, and also alleviate non-motor symptoms of PD. Our team has developed physical programs designed for People with Parkinson’s and we work with community fitness instructors, physiotherapists, personal trainers to deliver the best options for our clients. View the Program Calendar for a list of Physical programs best fit for you