ImPAAct Stories
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I have a bright future, which gives me hope, and that is what living well with Parkinson’s is all about! – Parkinson’s Association of Alberta
After many visits to my family doctor, chiropractor, massage therapist, and physiotherapist, I finally saw a neurologist. Within ten minutes of arriving, he concluded I had PD. It was a shock and felt like it came out of the blue.
I was devastated. Though not a death sentence, it felt that way at the time. Parkinson disease is a club you did not ask to join, but you get a full-time membership.
As a nurse, I have cared for folks living with PD over the years, so my mind immediately jumped to the future losses Derek would experience. I worried about paying the bills one day when neither of us could work because of PD advancement and caregiving responsibilities.
I am living well because of the Parkinson Association. Their PD 101 class helped me better understand what my neurologist had told me when I was first diagnosed five years ago, and to have hope. They taught me that I can fight back and make my journey a better one.
“Could it be Parkinson’s?” I asked. “It could be,” my Neurologist replied. That was not what I wanted him to say, but that was it, my Parkinson’s diagnosis; While this took place in 2002, it does not seem that long ago. I remember getting the diagnosis like it was last week.
Three years ago, our lives changed when we joined the Parkinson’s world.
We quickly learned that we are not alone in this and could relate to others that are in the same situation as us.
When I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in 2021, I was not sure where, or whom, I could look to for information and supports. In my case, I have many loving and supportive caregivers
Being diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease (YOPD) at 36 was life changing. At the time, I had a full plate: three young children (8, 6, and 2), a promising career, and a very active lifestyle. When I first noticed a tremor in my left hand, I tried to hide it. My family noticed, and eventually, clients did too.
We were diagnosed on November 29, 2016, and the very next day purposed to join a support group to help us deal with and understand this disease. That was out first encounter with Parkinson Association of Alberta.
Recently my wife, who has been struggling with Parkinson’s for 13 years, underwent a procedure at the University of Alberta hospital to receive a new way of administering her medication. It is known as “DuoDopa”; a pump method of providing Sinemet (levodopa/ carbidopa) directly to the small intestine.
Colette, my wife and best friend was diagnosed with PD in 2005. As we heard numerous time from others, the signs were there for many years before. “Getting Old” we thought.
Parkinson Association of Alberta was a lifeline for us as I began my PD journey and adapted to Edmonton’s medical community. There is no way this huge life change could have happened so smoothly without the support of PAA and their amazing staff.
“These care groups reinforce the feeling that we are not alone in dealing with PD.”
“This support group allows dad to have the support from others who can relate to him with Parkinson’s disease and how to continue on his journey. We as a family have learned so much about this disease and all the extras that come with it.”
“My life was changing, and I didn’t know how everyone would react.”
“My Dad has always been on this journey with her and is now completely responsible for all her care. It started with him finishing her sentences when words wouldn’t come, then he took on more and eventually all of the cooking, cleaning, shopping and household tasks.”
Telling your story as part of our Faces of Parkinson’s campaign is relatively easy. As one of our Storytellers, you aim to show the personal side of Parkinson disease by sharing your own unique experience.
A Storyteller can be anyone who has been affected by Parkinson disease or who has been involved with Parkinson Association of Alberta.
- A person with Parkinson disease
- A care partner, family member or friend
- A health care or other professional who interacts and/or works with those who have Parkinson disease
- A volunteer, donor or sponsor who has been involved with Parkinson Association of Alberta
We’re looking for your story, your experiences, your inspiration. Some ideas to help you get started are:
- Your journey with Parkinson disease, be it as a whole or a piece of it (ie: DBS, dealing with the initial diagnosis, finding out about a loved one’s diagnosis, etc)
- How living with Parkinson’s has inspired you to make a difference
- How someone who is affected by PD inspires you
- How Parkinson Association of Alberta has made a difference
Storytellers can write or record (audio or video) their stories; and stories will be shared in the Faces of Parkinson’s section of our website; written stories may also appear in our quarterly magazine. Please note that stories don’t have to be “stories” they can be poems, songs, or photo collages. Storytellers are encouraged to submit as many pieces as they choose.
- Browse other stories to help get started
- If you are writing your story/poem, please type it out in a Word document that can be electronically saved and email it to
- If you are submitting a recording (audio or video) or photo/photo collage please forward it electronically to or mail it in on a memory stick/USB/thumb drive to:
ATTN: Marketing & Communications
Parkinson Association of Alberta Calgary Office
120, 6835 Railway St SE
Calgary, AB T2H 2V6