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Care Partners & Families

How Parkinson Association of Alberta can help

We recognize that every person is unique and so is the treatment of PD. We provide support, services, and programs for all people with Parkinson disease and their families. These supports and services include one-on-one/family support counselling, support groups, information and resources, education sessions, assistance in identifying and locating community and government resources, and much more.

To find out more please email us at or call us toll-free at 1-800-561-1911.

Parkinson disease affects the entire family.  While it is, of course, true that only one person physically receives the diagnosis; the ripple effect created can have a tremendous impact on the care partner and family.

Care partners play an important role in ensuring the well-being of their loved one.  To varying degrees and at differing times they provide emotional support, help with medications, assistance with physical challenges, and much more.  Many caregivers see their role as being an advocate to and for their loved one.  They make sure that both medical care their loved one receive and life decisions that need to be made lines up with their life goals and maintains a good quality of life.

Caring for another human being is one of the most incredible acts of love there is.  As we get older or a loved one becomes ill or is diagnosed with Parkinson’s the level of care required can change.  With Parkinson’s the need for care typically changes gradually, over time.