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Experiences of Hope for People Recently Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease: A Hermeneutic- Phenomenological Study

Hope is an important resource in coping with life challenges. Finding and maintaining hope in the face of a PD diagnosis can be a difficult but important process, and we know very little about this experience. This study aims to answer the following research question: What are the lived experiences of hope for those recently diagnosed with PD? 

Who is eligible to participate in the study?

  • You have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease within the last 18 months.
  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You are willing and able to discuss your experience of hope since your diagnosis.

What is required of the participants?

  • Online interview(s) with the lead researcher. Each interview will be about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • You may be asked to keep a journal to write, draw, or take pictures of hope.
  • You may choose to bring in and discuss notes, photos, art you have created.
  • The interviews will be audio recorded and then converted into text. You may choose to turn the recorder off at any point.
  • After looking at the transcripts from our interview, I may contact you for another interview.