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Speech Accessibility Project

The Speech Accessibility Project is an interdisciplinary initiative with one shared goal: to improve speech technology for people with a range of diverse speech patterns and disabilities. Led by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with support from Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft, the project brings together technologists, academic researchers and community organizations to create the diverse speech data needed to make spoken interfaces more accessible for everyone.

Speech recognition is a powerful tool to make technology more accessible in our daily lives, especially for people with disabilities. However, it is not fully accessible for many people with speech disabilities.

Speech recognition is powered by machine learning, and without diverse, representative data, machine learning models cannot learn how to understand a diversity of speech. This project aims to change that by collecting speech samples from paid volunteers representing a diversity of speech patterns to create the dataset needed to more effectively train these machine learning models to better understand a variety of speech patterns.

Who is eligible to participate in the study?

  • People with Parkinson disease or Atypical Parkinsonism (Atypical Parkinsonisms)
  • At least 18 years of age

What is required of the participants?

Interested participants start with the pre-screen process which will ask a few questions and have you sign up for an account.  A mentor will follow up with you to let you know if you qualify to participate in the project.


If you do qualify:

  • a mentor will guide you through the informed consent process and help you get started
  • you will record yourself (or have a care partner help you) reading text prompts or answering questions
  • Participants read 10 sets of about 45 sentences each (the sets don’t have to be completed all at once)
  • As participants (and care partners who assist them) will receive compensation via Amazon eCodes at certain points throughout the process.
  • Participants will receive a total of $180 in three increments: $60 after recording the 200th sample, $60 after recording the 400th sample, and $60 after recording the 600th sample.

Named care partners assisting participants will be compensated up to $90 as follows: $30 after recording the 200th sentence, $30 after recording the 400th sentence and $30 after recording the 600th sentence.