I am living well because of the Parkinson Association. Their PD 101 class helped me better understand what my neurologist had told me when I was first diagnosed five years ago, and to have hope. They taught me that I can fight back and make my journey a better one. I joined the PAA’s circuit class, where I met a group of determined individuals who continue to inspire me to keep active. I also participate in cognition programs, Social Singing (a fun way to exercise your voice!), the Parkinson Retreat and the Young Onset Support Group. The PAA is there to support our care partners, as well (this is their journey, too) and they are there to talk with one-on-one.
Where do I see myself in the next five years? Still doing the PAA’s circuit classes, still hiking in the mountains, riding horses, and taking the dog for long walks in the valley. I have Hope.
I am grateful to have the support of the PAA, and I am grateful to have the support of every person who donates to the PAA during the season of giving because without you, we would not have the PAA.