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Keeping our Spirits High – Al and Sandra Blakely

Three years ago, our lives changed when we joined the Parkinson’s world. 

At first, we stumbled around on our own trying to find all the information about Parkinson’s we could. We soon discovered Parkinson Association of Alberta and their regular support groups in Lethbridge and registered. We quickly learned that we are not alone in this and could relate to others that are in the same situation as us. The support group allowed us to exchange ideas and share experiences with medications and advanced therapies for Parkinson’s that could support us on this journey.  

Our support group keeps each other’s spirits up when we find ourselves struggling.  

From there we learned about other activities and supports Parkinson Association of Alberta offered that we could participate in and integrate into our day-to-day lives. We discovered Dopamine Boxing and joined as we learned moving, and exercise is a great practice to alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms. Boxing has kept our spirits up and made a wonderful difference in our lives. 

Keeping with our community outside of the support groups has been equally important. We love attending PAA events like Step ‘n Stride and Hope Conference. These are great ways to keep active and connected while learning about and fighting the disease.  

Sandi has also been a participant with several research projects in the interest of discovering a cure for this disease/syndrome. 

We did not believe that we would be able to take this journey with ease, but with the support of Parkinson’s Association of Alberta, and their amazing team, we know we can keep moving forward and work on the cure. 
